Live with Intention

Live with Intention

When was a last time that you’ve done something to connect to your soul? These are the moments when time stops and there is such an expansion that has enormous healing power. These are the moments when physical and emotional pain disappear and there is sheer joy of being in a present moment; these are the moments when you are absorbed by your being and your pain is very distant or non-existent. How would you feel in your body should you be able to bring more of this wonderful transforming moments into your life? Let me answer: over time you will likely need less medications for your pain, because the moments of presents are very healing emotionally and physically.

You might ask: how I can have more of moments of presence in my life? By using your intention. Use things that make your heart sing more and incorporate them in your daily routine. Bright examples of such an activities for me are horseback riding and hot yoga. This makes me feel so connected to my soul so time for me stops completely and I get in touch with inner joy and peace even more. Think of what can it be for you. May be reading of your favorite poem; connecting to your pet or spending time with your grandchild. Or is it connecting with a beauty of a flower, peace of art or doing something creative. Whatever it is, make sure what you spent time with it every day and if you are unable to do it for some reason, think of how would it be for you should you’ve done it. Your body will say thank you in a form of less pain over time and less emotional burden.

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